A Water Fountain, ‘Cherub of the Sea’, A Brass Pegasus and a Signed First Edition!

The Ruckersville Gallery and Strasburg Emporium continue to be open for business! With the economy starting to open back up many of our dealers are offering great sales.
Per the Governor’s updated COVID-19 Executive Order we ask that you wear face coverings if you are able.  Our large square footage at each store gives Customers ample open space in which to leisurely shop our extensive inventory while escaping the summer heat.  We can allow up to 150 customers at a time into each of our two locations. Come take a LOOK!

Brass Pegusus – Around 6″, Korea – $15.00 – Booth 35.

24″ High ‘Cherub of the Sea’, Nice! Booth 417, $295.00.

Arbicola or a Cowlight Plant – Great for Inside Foliage! 6″ Pot, $12.00, Booth 39. We have a Large Selection of Plants of all Kinds! Cactus and Succulents too! Come take a LOOK!

Bronze Partner’s Ink Well, Booth 64 – $220.00.

Old Pennsylvania Coverlet, Booth 38 – $125.00 – Now 20% Off.

Handmade Box – Dovetailed, Wonderful Hardware Handle on Top – Booth 217, $85.00.

Little Cherub Reader, 6″ Statue. $12.00, Booth 66.

Book: ‘The Founders of Early American Families; emigrants from Europe, 1607 – 1657. Published by Th General Court of the Order of Founders and Patriots of America – Cleveland, Ohio – 1975. Hardcover 1st Ed, Few Pencil Notes – Slightly Cocked, $120.00. Book Room.

Book: ‘The Burning; Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley’, by John L. Heatwole, Rockridge Publishing, 1998. Signed First Edition. Hardcover with Jacket Near Fine Condition, $175.00 Negotiable – The Book Room.

Large Heavy Pottery Platter, Blue and White, Marked – Booth 711, $38.00.

Thanks for Visiting!


Posted in Latest Arrivals, News & Announcements